一. 前言
因 https://www.jsdelivr.com/ 失效,博主打算将 GitHub 托管的图床备份到其他平台。
网上看到 兰空图床 萌生了自建图床的念头,搭建环境要求 PHP >= 8.0.2,于是打算编译安装 PHP。
博文内容:PHP-CentOS8.2 编译安装 PHP8.1.10
+ 编写GitHub图床迁移至又拍云的脚本(ftp)
+ 编写批量修改文章内容的脚本
二. 正文
2.1❤ CentOS8.2 编译安装 PHP8.1.10
2.1.1 PHP8 和 oniguruma 源码下载并上传至服务器 /mnt 目录
1 2 3
| tar xzf oniguruma-6.9.4.tar.gz tar xzf php-8.1.10.tar.gz
2.1.2 安装 PHP8 依赖包
1 2
| yum -y install autoconf freetype gd libpng libpng-devel libjpeg libxml2 libxml2-devel zlib curl curl-devel net-snmp-devel libjpeg-devel php-ldap openldap-devel openldap-clients freetype-devel gmp-devel libzip libzip-devel sqlite-devel automake libtool
2.1.3 编译 PHP8 依赖包 oniguruma
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
| cd /mnt/oniguruma-6.9.4 ./autogen.sh
./configure --prefix=/usr
make && make install
2.1.4 编译 PHP8 主包
1 2 3 4 5 6
| cd /mnt/php-8.1.10 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php --with-config-file-path=/usr/local/php/etc --enable-fpm --with-fpm-user=nginx --with-fpm-group=nginx --enable-mysqlnd --with-mysqli --with-pdo-mysql --enable-opcache --with-pcre-jit --enable-gd --with-jpeg --with-freetype --with-gettext --with-curl --with-openssl --enable-sockets --enable-mbstring --enable-xml --with-zip --with-zlib --with-snmp --with-mhash --enable-ftp --enable-bcmath --enable-soap --enable-shmop --enable-sysvsem --enable-pcntl --with-gmp
make && make install
2.1.5 编译安装后目录
2.2 基于 FTP 将GitHub图床迁移至又拍云
官方视频教程 - 创建存储服务和使用 FTP 上传 可以得到用户名和密码
默认已经完成了又拍云云存储服务的申请 + 绑定自定义域名 https://help.upyun.com/knowledge-base/quick_start/
2.2.1 编写 Python 脚本 实现批量
源码来自 http://blog.csdn.net/ouyang_peng/article/details/79271113
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from cmath import log from ftplib import FTP import os import sys import time import socket import subprocess
class MyFTP: """ ftp自动下载、自动上传脚本,可以递归目录操作 作者:欧阳鹏 博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/ouyang_peng/article/details/79271113 """
def __init__(self, host, port=21): """ 初始化 FTP 客户端 参数: host:ip地址
port:端口号 """
self.host = host self.port = port self.ftp = FTP() self.ftp.encoding = 'utf8' path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.log_file = open(path + "/log.txt", "a", encoding='utf-8') self.file_list = []
def login(self, username, password): """ 初始化 FTP 客户端 参数: username: 用户名
password: 密码 """ try: timeout = 60 socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) self.ftp.set_pasv(True)
self.debug_print('开始尝试连接到 %s' % self.host) self.ftp.connect(self.host, self.port) self.debug_print('成功连接到 %s' % self.host)
self.debug_print('开始尝试登录到 %s' % self.host) self.ftp.login(username, password) self.debug_print('成功登录到 %s' % self.host)
self.debug_print(self.ftp.welcome) except Exception as err: self.deal_error("FTP 连接或登录失败 ,错误描述为:%s" % err) pass
def is_same_size(self, local_file, remote_file): """判断远程文件和本地文件大小是否一致
参数: local_file: 本地文件
remote_file: 远程文件 """ try: remote_file_size = self.ftp.size(remote_file) except Exception as err: remote_file_size = -1
try: local_file_size = os.path.getsize(local_file) except Exception as err: local_file_size = -1
self.debug_print('local_file_size:%d , remote_file_size:%d' % (local_file_size, remote_file_size)) if remote_file_size == local_file_size: return 1 else: return 0
def download_file(self, local_file, remote_file): """从ftp下载文件 参数: local_file: 本地文件
remote_file: 远程文件 """ self.debug_print("download_file()---> local_path = %s ,remote_path = %s" % (local_file, remote_file))
if self.is_same_size(local_file, remote_file): self.debug_print('%s 文件大小相同,无需下载' % local_file) return else: try: self.debug_print('>>>>>>>>>>>>下载文件 %s ... ...' % local_file) buf_size = 1024 file_handler = open(local_file, 'wb') self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % remote_file, file_handler.write, buf_size) file_handler.close() except Exception as err: self.debug_print('下载文件出错,出现异常:%s ' % err) return
def download_file_tree(self, local_path, remote_path): """从远程目录下载多个文件到本地目录 参数: local_path: 本地路径
remote_path: 远程路径 """ print("download_file_tree()---> local_path = %s ,remote_path = %s" % (local_path, remote_path)) try: self.ftp.cwd(remote_path) except Exception as err: self.debug_print('远程目录%s不存在,继续...' % remote_path + " ,具体错误描述为:%s" % err) return
if not os.path.isdir(local_path): self.debug_print('本地目录%s不存在,先创建本地目录' % local_path) os.makedirs(local_path)
self.debug_print('切换至目录: %s' % self.ftp.pwd())
self.file_list = [] self.ftp.dir(self.get_file_list)
remote_names = self.file_list self.debug_print('远程目录 列表: %s' % remote_names) for item in remote_names: file_type = item[0] file_name = item[1] local = os.path.join(local_path, file_name) if file_type == 'd': print("download_file_tree()---> 下载目录: %s" % file_name) self.download_file_tree(local, file_name) elif file_type == '-': print("download_file()---> 下载文件: %s" % file_name) self.download_file(local, file_name) self.ftp.cwd("..") self.debug_print('返回上层目录 %s' % self.ftp.pwd()) return True
def upload_file(self, local_file, remote_file): """从本地上传文件到ftp
参数: local_path: 本地文件
remote_path: 远程文件 """ if not os.path.isfile(local_file): self.debug_print('%s 不存在' % local_file) return
if self.is_same_size(local_file, remote_file): self.debug_print('跳过相等的文件: %s' % local_file) return
buf_size = 1024 file_handler = open(local_file, 'rb') self.ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % remote_file, file_handler, buf_size) file_handler.close() self.debug_print('上传: %s' % local_file + "成功!")
def upload_file_tree(self, local_path, remote_path): """从本地上传目录下多个文件到ftp 参数:
local_path: 本地路径
remote_path: 远程路径 """ if not os.path.isdir(local_path): self.debug_print('本地目录 %s 不存在' % local_path) return
self.ftp.cwd(remote_path) self.debug_print('切换至远程目录: %s' % self.ftp.pwd())
local_name_list = os.listdir(local_path) for local_name in local_name_list: src = os.path.join(local_path, local_name) if os.path.isdir(src): try: self.ftp.mkd(local_name) except Exception as err: self.debug_print("目录已存在 %s ,具体错误描述为:%s" % (local_name, err)) self.debug_print("upload_file_tree()---> 上传目录: %s" % local_name) self.upload_file_tree(src, local_name) else: self.debug_print("upload_file_tree()---> 上传文件: %s" % local_name) self.upload_file(src, local_name) self.ftp.cwd("..")
def close(self): """ 退出ftp """ self.debug_print("close()---> FTP退出") self.ftp.quit() self.log_file.close()
def debug_print(self, s): """ 打印日志 """ self.write_log(s)
def deal_error(self, e): """ 处理错误异常 参数: e:异常 """ log_str = '发生错误: %s' % e self.write_log(log_str) sys.exit()
def write_log(self, log_str): """ 记录日志 参数: log_str:日志 """ time_now = time.localtime() date_now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time_now) format_log_str = "%s ---> %s \n " % (date_now, log_str) print(format_log_str) self.log_file.write(format_log_str)
def get_file_list(self, line): """ 获取文件列表 参数: line: """ file_arr = self.get_file_name(line) if file_arr[1] not in ['.', '..']: self.file_list.append(file_arr)
def get_file_name(self, line): """ 获取文件名 参数: line: """ pos = line.rfind(':') while (line[pos] != ' '): pos += 1 while (line[pos] == ' '): pos += 1 file_arr = [line[0], line[pos:]] return file_arr
if __name__ == "__main__": path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) if os.path.exists(path + '/log.txt'): log_file = path + '/log.txt 'if os.sep == "/" else path + '\\' + 'log.txt' subprocess.Popen(f'rm -rf {log_file}', shell=True) time.sleep(1)
my_ftp = MyFTP("xxx.ftp.upyun.com") my_ftp.login("xxx/xxx", "xxx")
if os.sep == "\\": my_ftp.download_file_tree("E:/code_zone/image_bed/image/", "/image/") elif os.sep == "/": my_ftp.download_file_tree("/root/code_zone/image_bed/image/", "/image/")
if os.sep == "\\": my_ftp.upload_file_tree("E:/code_zone/image_bed/image/", "/image/") my_ftp.close() elif os.sep == "/": my_ftp.upload_file_tree("/root/code_zone/image_bed/image/", "/image/") my_ftp.close()
2.2.2 说明
my_ftp.login("用户名xxx/xxx", "密码xxx")
参考 https://techs.upyun.com/videos/cdnpage/creating_storage.html
后期又将脚本传到云服务器上,通过计划任务,每15分钟同步,保持 GitHub 与又拍云图床一致
1 2 3
| $ crontab -l */15 * * * * cd /root/code_zone/image_bed/; git pull; python3 /root/code_zone/tools/python-ftp/ftp.py; bash git.sh
迁移好图床后,博客中调用图片资源时 浏览器自动 http 跳 https,因为没有证书导致图片失效,于是又申请了 ssl 证书,上传至又拍云。

2.3 编写批量修改文章内容的脚本
源码参考 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38150250/article/details/118026219
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import os import re
def search(search_path, search_result): all_file = os.listdir(search_path) for each_file in all_file: if os.path.isdir(search_path + each_file): search(search_path + each_file + '/', search_result) else: if re.findall('.*\.md$', each_file) == [each_file]: search_result.append(search_path + each_file)
def replace(replace_file_name, replace_old_str, replace_new_str): with open(replace_file_name, "r", encoding = "UTF-8") as f1: content = f1.read() f1.close() t = content.replace(replace_old_str, replace_new_str) with open(replace_file_name, "w", encoding = "UTF-8") as f2: f2.write(t) f2.close()
path_list = [ 'E:/code_zone/hexo-source/source/_posts/', 'E:/code_zone/hexo-source-butterfly/source/_posts/', 'E:/code_zone/hexo-source-diary/source/_posts/', ] old_str = 'https://cdn.iocdn.cc/npm/mycpen-image-bed@0.0.0-elahuruchp/image/' new_str = 'https://cdn.iocdn.cc/npm/mycpen-image-bed@0.0.0-elahuruchp/image/' search_result = []
if __name__ == '__main__': result = [] for path in path_list: search(path, result) count = 0 for file_name in result: replace(file_name, old_str, new_str) count += 1 print("{} done {}".format(file_name, count))
2.3.1 说明
函数指定文件类型为 .md,可获得文章的完整路径;